Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sex workers consultation day - June 30

Yes, CRIMSON COALITION is having a sex workers’ consultation day!

Brisbane 30th June 2009

The consultation day is to let sex workers know what is going on and get some feedback on what we have planned so far in our work with Queensland Health to develop a new state-wide organisation to replace SQWISI

The new organisation – United Sex Workers – will be managed and staffed by past and present sex workers to deliver education and support on sexual health and other issues relevant to sex workers.

We need a lot of past or present sex workers keen to get involved on a voluntary basis and/or provide feedback.

So a consultation day is being held in Brisbane on 30th June 2009 and we’d like you to come

We especially encourage male, transgender, Chinese and Thai sex workers to attend, as well as all you other working ladies, old and young, wherever you work!

Contact us for an information kit by June 14, 2009
Morning, afternoon tea and lunch provided / some transport costs can be reimbursed
This is a sex workers only event

Phone Candi on 0421569232 or email